Turns out what I thought was super rust…

…was just some old crispy adhesive. It comes right off.

Turns out what I thought was super rust…
…was just some old crispy adhesive. It comes right off.
Let’s have some fun with this. We have been toying around with the idea of starting a YouTube channel to document the progress of the 73KG Project, and it feels like the time is now. The facility and timing are coming together, and we will be underway soon.
However, we want this channel to be more than just me jabbering on about sanding and rust repair. Hopefully, with your help, we can grow an entertaining and informative platform.
Please visit our channel at https://www.youtube.com/@73kgp and give it a look. If you feel inclined, please like, subscribe, and comment about what you want to see. Together, we can make this channel something to proudly represent the Air Cooled community and Karmann Ghia lovers worldwide.
Thank you all very much, and enjoy!
It’s no Rembrandt, but it’s a couple modifications I’m considering.
Looks good to me.
I’ve been sitting in the garage tonight considering a couple of mods that I would like to get started on while I’m stripping the rest of the body down. One that I have spoken about already is shaving the drip rails. My gut is telling me that is probably trickier than it sounds, but I believe if I take my time with it, I can pull it off just fine.
Hey… they did it.
The next modification I’m considering is repositioning the tail lights so that they are further in than the deck lid.
Lastly, since I am going to be capping off the doors and not having any side glass, I would cut these pillars out and go with a hardtop look.
I think this should keep me busy for a while.
I wish magic was an option.
Let the fun begin. The time has come to start stripping the paint, Bondo and rust off the Ghia to see what she’s hiding.
I got a new pad for my free DA sander and cleaned it up the best I could.
Bring on the dusty carcinogen cloud!