…and quite a giveaway it is. They are giving away a spindle to spindle front beam, and complete axel to axel transaxel AND BAD SERIES BRAKES!! Once they hit 25,000 subscribers on their YouTube Channel they are going to give to loot to some lucky random individual. Sadly, they only have 8,500 at the time of this publication, so it might be a while.
All I can say is I hope it’s me. My Ghia has taken quite a slow start. It’s cool and all; life has priorities and often project need to go on the back burner.
My friend Pete, as he calls himself (@airkewld to hit him up), really creates nice stuff. It’s like aircool VW porn. I hear the quality is top notch too. For your viewing pleasure, here is a few of Airkewld’s videos. Enjoy!
It seems a bit light under the deck.
Oil looks a little low too.
Landscape and portrait checks.
Zach is ready to wrench.
I decided to change to looks of the blog a little bit… still playing with it.
I also dropped “Restoration” from the title. The new title is The 1973 Karmann Ghia Project. This really isn’t a restoration of a 73. It’s not even going to look like a 73 when it’s done. Maybe it should be Resto-mod project??? We’ll see.
For now, I’ll leave it be.
2020 has definitely been an interesting year, for some more than others. I have experienced challenges and personal losses this year, as have many. At the end of the day, our five kids have remained healthy and bored to insanity with at-home learning.
Let’s welcome in 2021 with this joyful number from the kiddos.
I just realized this blog is 11 years old. I’m not sure if anyone will read this, but if you do, thanks for sticking around.
With all this COVID-19 crap going on, I hope you all healthy and doing well. Perhaps when all of this is done and life gets back to “normal” I can get a little something started on the Ghia.
Until then, be safe!